Monday, February 25, 2013

Private Secretary to the Sovereign

John Kernodle III was waiting to pick Bobbie up when the doctors finished checking her out. He's a good guy and big enough to take good care of her should anyone try to hurt her before he gets her home. Besides, the Kernodle family has lots of influence in Guilford and Alamance counties and only an Alien would be ignorant enough to risk their wrath. John, though younger, reminds me of my own son, Jason, when he was that age-- young men parents could be proud of. "So," I joked, "still working for the Queen of England?"

"As long as she'll have me," John laughed.

"Make Bobbie bring you by the shop sometime so we can start sizing you up for a bike," I said.

"Really?" John said.

"Don't worry," Bobbie smiled, "he'll work it out of you."

"Yeah," I laughed,"you can start by taking Bobbie's wreck apart."

"Are you sure I won't tear something up?" John askled.

"It's already wrecked," Bobby smiled, "how much worse could it get?"

"Yeah," I replied, "the only things we can't fix are broken people."

"I've got lots of doctors in my family," John replied. "Maybe you could trade some work with some of them."

"Y'all get on down the road," I smiled. "It's been a long day. I'm going to back to the shop,  stoke up the fire, lie down in my recliner and listen to my motorcycle recite poetry until I'm bored to sleep."

"Did you say listen to your motorcycle recite poetry?" John asked.

"I'll explain it to you on the way home," Bobbie said leading John out the door.


All night long Steve and Wooley searched for the gate, the wolves always close behind or ahead. Several times they charged the wolves like before and each time there was more of them than before. They wanted to rest but knew that stopping would bring even more wolves to them. It was almost sunrise when they finally came to a sliding gate. "How do we get it open?" Wooley asked.

"It looks like it just uses a photocell," Steve answered. "We just need to make sure we don't let the wolves get out with us."

"I guess we walk out backwards," Wooley said.

"I guess so," Steve agreed.

As the two of them approached the gate it opened but when it did the wolves made their final attack! Wooley and Steve stepped just through the gate and began knocking the angry wolves back in! Seconds later the gate closed trapping the wolves inside.

"Those wolves must have micro-chips in them," Wooley said, "so the gate knows not to open for them.

"Must be," Steve agreed as he and Wooley watched the wolves jumping against the gate trying to get at them still, "lets climb up there in those trees and take a nap.

"Good idea," Wooley agreed, "I'm beat."


John got Bobbie home safe and sound then started to make his on way home when he noticed a car appeared to be following him. Not wanting to lead any suspicious characters to his home he began just driving around Greensboro while calling me. John and I quickly worked out a route for him to follow and I called Donny and Bobbie to set a trap.

Donnie, Bobbie and I all jumped in our cars and made our way to the route we had instructed John to follow. As planned, Donny and I were both waiting on a dead end road while Bobbie followed behind. John turned, drove to the end of the road and slammed on brakes but before the other driver could reverse Bobbie, Donnie and myself had him boxed in on 3 sides with John's car blocking him in the front! Quickly, before the driver had time to react, John pulled him from the drivers seat! "Who are you?" John shouted as he pulled the man from the car and held his feet off the ground!

"Sir," the man choked in a British accent, "I'm the Private Secretary to the Sovereign and I'm here to help you and your friends with your problem if you'll please put me down."

"And what problem would that be?" John asked still holding the scared man in the air.

"Why the Aliens, of course," the man answered.

"Did you say, Aliens?" John asked. "Does anyone know anything about any problems with Aliens?"

"Not me," Bobbie said.

"Me neither," Donny agreed.

"Maybe you should put his feet on the ground and let him breath," I said, "so he can explain what the heck he's talking about."

"Okay," John agreed as he lowered the man to the ground, "Start talking. And it better be good."


When Wooley and Steve awoke the fence, wolves, gate and every trace of where they had just came from was gone, vanished from the face of the Earth as if it had never been there. "So which dimension are we in now?" Wooley asked.

"I'd be more concerned with the time," Steve said. "Out here in these woods it could be any date in history and we'd have no way of knowing it."

"So I guess we start walking," Wooley said.

"Which way?" Steve asked.

"Away from wherever that used to be," Wooley answered.

Continue to Déjà vu