Thursday, February 21, 2013

Nillions Served

After discussing interdimensional beings with Bobbie I was more confused than ever. How could it be that an entire race of beings, an entire civilization existed right here, right now where we are without us knowing it? And yet that would explain these strange Aliens that seemed to have come from nowhere and were now entrenched throughout our society. I decided to go take in a magic show.

I was riding back to the shop when the Veggicycle said,  "I know what's wrong with you,"

"Really," I asked, not really believing him, "and what might that be?"

"You've got nowhere to go," he said as he began to recite Nowhere To Go, another of the many poems he would eventually tell us.

"You speak your mind
and no one cares.
You ride away
and no one stares.
The road's the only place we know..."

"You might have something there," I said. "How did you know?"

"The same thing sometimes happened to Veggie and I from time to time," the motorcycle replied.

"So what did you do?" I asked?

"We found somewhere to go or something to do about it," the motorcycle answered.

The Veggicycle was without a doubt the greatest motorcycle I had ever known. And some days I hated him for it.


The Downtown Greensboro Interdimensionals were campaigning as hard as they could to persuade the City Council not to kick them out but downtown residents and business owners were outraged saying they had been leached upon too long. Political turmoil was brewing and pots were threatening to boil over as one political scandal after the other came to the surface. Democrat, Republican or Independent, no local politician appeared to be beyond reproach. Politically and economically our city was dying from 50 years of Alien abuses and the people were demanding to know the truth even if it killed them. And kill them it might.


Wooley and Steve made their way into the pipe and began walking their way up towards the light with the three Tall Whites behind them. "We know you think we are aliens from another planet," the Tall White spoke, "We are not."

"What are you," Wooley asked.

"Earthlings, like you," the Tall White answered.

"You don't look like Earthlings," Steve said.

"We don't look like you," the Tall White said, "but like you we are Earthlings."

"How did you get here?" Wooley asked.

"We have always been here?" the Tall White replied, "Just as your kind has always been here."

"So why didn't we know about you before?" Steve asked as they continued to walk up towards the surface.

"Because our dimensions were never supposed to intersect," the Tall White answered.

"And they do now?" Wooley asked.

"Correct," the Tall White replied.

"So why now?" Steve asked, "Why did you make our dimensions intersect now?"

"We didn't" the Tall White answered.

"Well who did?" Wooley asked.

"The Greys?" Steve asked.

"Exactly," the Tall White replied.

"So do the Greys live here too?" Steve asked.

"No," The Tall White denied, "the Greys are aliens who first visited Earth over 2000 years ago. Their plan was to enslave all of your kind but we learned of it and crossed dimensions to stop them. We were able to pass between dimensions and they were not so we defeated them easily and quickly in the skies above the Artic. All that remains of their attack is deep beneath the ocean floor."

"But they've learned how to pass through dimensions now," Wooley said.

"No," the Tall White replied. "The Greys have learned how to disrupt dimensions and that is even worse."

"How is it worse?" Wooley asked.

"Because," the Tall White explained, "our ability to pass between dimensions made us invisable to them and gave us the ability to fire on them from the other dimension but now they can see us and because we have been at peace for millions of years we never bothered to develop weapons to the level of their weapons. That is why we moved underground just after the previous war."

"But didn't you start developing weapons then?" Wooley asked.

"Yes," the Tall White replied, "but they were already thousands of years ahead of us."

"So is this why the Tall Whites have been helping with weapons development at Area 51 in Nevada?" Steve asked.

"It is," the Tall White answered. "Your kind are our first line of defense. Even the canal you saw leads to Area 51."

"All the way from North Carolina?" Wooley asked.

"All around the world," the Tall White answered.

"So what about the Tall Whites on City Council?" Steve asked.

"Traitors," the Tall White replied, "Traitors to the entire planet Earth."

"So what about that rocket launcher you built in the middle of Downtown Greensboro?" Wooley asked. "What's that for?"

"We planned to fire an Interdimensional ballistic missle to destroy the Grey's home planet and cut off their supply lines once and for all," The Tall White explained.

"But won't that kill everyone in Greensboro," Wooley asked.

"That's why we haven't fired it already," the Tall White answered. "With the dimensions separated like they are supposed to be your kind would go on living as if it never happened but now that the dimensions have been disrupted it would destroy your entire city if we were to launch our missile."

"So you're not going to launch your missile?" Steve asked.

"Only as a last resort," the Tall White answered, "or if we're somehow able to stabilize the dimensions long enough for it to clear the Earth's gravitational pull."

"And if you have to use it as a last resort?" Steve asked.

"Then we will try to force the evacuation of your city," answered the Tall White, "through some sort of faked disaster like perhaps leaking natural gas pipelines all over the city."

"That would get me the heck out of Dodge," Wooley said.

"So if you are on our side," Steve asked, "then why are you taking us prisoner?"

"We are not taking you prisoner," the Tall White explained. "We are taking you home."

"I'm beginning to like y'all better all ready," Wooley smiled.

"There's only one problem," the Tall White explained. "Because of the shifting dimensions you might get back before or after you left."

"How much before or after?" Steve asked.

"A few days," the Tall White reassured them, "plus or minus a million years."

Continue to Turtle On A Fence Post