Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tall Whites

Fred explained that his former Agency department had learned that Tall White Aliens had taken over the Greensboro City Council and that while his department wanted to act, they'd been ordered to stand down. So out of frustration they contacted Fred in hopes that he might be able to muster up enough support from the outside to take down this alien threat before it was too late.

Of course, not everyone on City Council was a Tall White Alien but there was enough tall white alien influence to heavily manipulate the Council and everything it does to the detriment of the entire city. People were suffering as the aliens were planning to build a secret downtown operations center disguised as a performing arts center. And of course, they planned to do it at taxpayers' expense.

I guess I could have said no but being that Donny and I both live in Greensboro and commute to our shop in nearby Burlington... Well, I guess I could have moved. It would have been a whole lot easier and safer than what we were about to take on but instead, for once in my life I did the right thing. I called Donny, Steve, Wooley and Veggie into the office, introduced them all to Fred, had Fred tell them what he had just told me and showed them the video, "Hell no!" Donny shouted. "Hell no! Over my dead body! There ain't no way in hell a bunch of aliens are going to take over my town and get away with it! What made you think I wanted to move anyway?"

That's my brother. I'm so proud of him. There not a one of us who works harder or fights meaner than my little brother Donny. When Donny digs in his heels there is no way on Earth you can move him. Not even with an alien tractor beam. With him leading the way those tall white aliens didn't stand a chance.

Donny asked the rest of us to go out into the shop and start getting things ready while he and Fred worked out their strategy. This was going to be complicated as lots of innocent people were also in harms way. We couldn't afford to make any mistakes.


I was going to need a faster bike than what I'd been riding so I asked Veggie to see if he could convince the Wackemall 750 to start for us. "What seems to be the problem?" Veggie asked the old motorcycle, "Why are you refusing to start?"

"They poured alcohol in my tank," the Veggicycle said. "You know what alcohol does to my carbs."

"But you don't have carbs any more," Veggie replied. "Billy replaced your carbs with fuel injection."

"But what about my float bowl and my o-rings?"

"They're gone too," Veggie answered.

"And my plungers, are they gone too?" the motorcycle asked.

"They're gone too."

"Well then how will I ever start cold?"

"The fuel injection takes care of all of that," Veggie replied. "You no longer need plungers and alcohol can't hurt you anymore."

"But I miss you tickling my plungers," the motorcycle cried. "That was one of my favorite things."

"I know," Veggie said,"I miss it too. But when you feel all that extra power and fuel economy that fuel injection gives you, you'll be happier than you ever were before."

"You promise?" the old motorcycle asked.

"I promise," Veggie answered.

Continue to  Calling Evil Knievel