Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Aporkalypse Now

"Look," Lemar said looking out a window, "the solders are keeping the others away from our bikes. Even the service truck."

"We haven't used internal combustion engines in over a thousand years," the Tall White explained. "To us, you and your machines are like museum artifacts come to life."

"Do you not like ICEs," John asked.

"We were once as addicted to internal combustion as you are," the Tall White explained. "But moving our civilization underground forced us to abandon all forms of combustion as a means to generate energy. We simply couldn't filter the air fast enough to keep it safe to breath."

"That makes sense," Lemar said.

"Yeah," Wooley added, "Carbon Monoxide is deadly."

"So how do you power everything?" Donny asked.

"We have a number of different sources of power available to us," the Tall Alien answered. "Above ground we have solar farms and wind installations much like your people are beginning to build. We also harvest electricity from the atmosphere much like your Nikola Tesla proposed."

"Do you use nuclear power?" Lemar asked.

"Not anymore," the Tall White explained. "Burying the waste is not an option when you live underground."

"So why do you live underground?" Bobbie asked.

"Because like your kind is doing to your Earth," the Tall White explained, "We did so much damage to our environment that life above ground was no longer possible. And unlike the Grey Aliens who continue to take what they want from other worlds, we made the decision that we must make it here on Earth in our own dimension."

"But don't you travel between dimensions?" Bobbie asked.

"Only in the interest of advancing our knowledge and keeping the Grey Aliens at bay," the Tall White explained. "We take nothing from the other dimensions we visit and try not to leave behind footprints even though we sometimes do."

"Kind of like Boy Scouts," Wooley joked.

"As a matter of fact," the Tall White explained, "General Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the scouting movement was the first of your kind to visit us due to a Grey Alien dimensional disturbance during the Second Boer War. Had we not got him back in time the British would have most likely lost the Siege of Mafeking and the war."

"So how do they keep finding me?" Bobbie asked. "I got rid of mt phone."

"Like thousands of young people in your country," the Tall White answered, "you, John and Lemar are bugged. The Grey Aliens always know where you are."

"Bugged," John asked, "how can we be bugged?"

"For years now, the Grey Aliens have brainwashed American doctors into putting bugs into their young patients. Some are bugged at birth by placing the tiny bug into the opening before the umbilical cord is tied off, others are bugged later in life when they have need for common childhood surgeries," the Tall White explained.

"So they're going to keep trying to kill me?" Bobbie asked.

"If they can find you," the Tall White answered, "but when you walked into this building our scanners detected all your bugs and reprogrammed them to send out false signals so they'll spend their time looking where you're not."

"You did that for me?" Bobbie asked.

"Well," the Tall White explained, "for you and for our own safety as well."


Back in Greensboro the truth was again coming out. The Mayor and City Council had successfully worked to eliminate safe housing laws state wide at the request of the areas many slum lords. The result had been cases of lead poisoning, deaths from exposure to poisonous molds, people freezing to death and tenants dying in fires because they were forced to heat their homes via unsafe means. And yet with all this information finally being made public in the Greensboro News & Record thanks to its recent purchase by Billionaire investor, Warren E. Buffett, everything remained the same, the Grey Aliens and their co-conspirators, both Human and Tall White, remained in total control.

Why won't they let us hunt them down like the swine they are?


Our time with the Tall Whites was spent learning about how they lived and their beliefs. While quite advanced they were not that different than we are. I think having destroyed the surface of Earth in their dimension forced them to place profits, personal gain, religion and political ideologies second to the survival of their very species.

Personal travel for them is accomplished mostly by moving between dimensions giving them access to time and space. Only occasionally, like when under attack by the Grey Aliens do they resort to physical forms of transportation like the giant transporter that appeared in the canal. Even at 600 miles per hour it was deemed too slow for their everyday needs as their cities are often hundreds of miles apart. That said. the most common form of urban transportation they use is walking and gyroscopic bicycles that literally won't fall down.

There are no wild animals, no one has pets of any kind and the only animals their children see are in zoos. They're attempting to keep species alive and unchanged but most are so acclimated to living with the Tall Whites they fear they will never be able to live in the wild when their Earth finally repairs itself. Others mutated to adapt to the subterranean existence and simply aren't the same animals they were when they were brought underground thousands of years ago.

Even with all their technology they had been unable to reverse all the damage they had done.

What we found most fascinating was the Tall White form of government as it left very little room for corruption. As soon as children started school they began participating in their own governance as much as children could be trusted to do so. They learned about and experimented with the many forms of government while still in school and in the end they always decided on the system in use by the Tall Whites at their local, regional and world wide levels.

While relatively simple as far as governance goes, the strength of the Tall White's form of government was in its simplicity and almost complete participation buy those who were being governed. A highly educated populace was required to prove its proficiency in knowledge of government with regular testing. Those who scored low would be required to go back to school until they reached retirement age when they were then given the option of opting out of serving in government. That's right, everyone was subject to be called to serve on government boards from the lowest local boards to the highest levels of their congress.

This was accomplished not through elections but through a series of lotteries much like the way juries are selected in our own courts. Even their highest levels of congress included citizens from every walk of life. Several levels of congress, single terms and the constant rotation of highly trained citizens to political offices made bribery and political crimes all but impossible.

The graft and corruption that has burdened every form of government ever known to Humans still existed for them but it was only a minor problem. And most often it could be quickly corrected and its perpetrators punished. Morally, the Tall Whites claimed to be no different than humans with greed, jealousy, pride, ego, bigotry, intolerance, corruption and crime all still existing among their people but their form of government reduced the negative effects.

One way it reduced the negative effects was by having the working class serve alongside the wealthy on the various governmental boards and councils. It made it very difficult for a ruling class to emerge when there was always a vote on the board to keep them in check.

The fact that boards, councils and congress were chosen by lottery rather than by election meant that campaigning and thus campaign funding, as well as unfounded campaign promises, were no longer necessary. Those who served were free to serve and not bound to those who paid to help get them voted into office. There were no political parties, no constant efforts to take the government in a different direction. Instead, each issue was decided on its own merits.

Was it perfect? The Tall Whites admitted it wasn't. They had made changes in their system over the years and expected to always be making slight changes. Sometimes the system didn't work and boards couldn't decide. Other boards seemed to be dysfunctional. The good news was they wouldn't be stuck with the same dysfunctional board the next term. The bad news: the next board might also be dysfunctional. But usually things worked out for the best.

Continue to Putting Out Fires